Welcome to Einstein Learning School
Preschool in Zephyrhills
Welcome to Einstein Learning School
Preschool in ZephyrhillsWelcome to Einstein Learning School
Preschool in ZephyrhillsWelcome to Einstein Learning School
Preschool in ZephyrhillsWelcome to Einstein Learning School
Preschool in Zephyrhills
Our Rates
Payments will be made the Friday prior to the week the child will be attending.
Infants (Birth - 12 Months)
Beginners (1 year old)
Toddlers (2 year old)
Preschoolers (3 year old)
Preschoolers (4 year old)
School-Age ( Non-Instructional Week)
Before/After School
Before or After School (Week) Only New River)
VPK (Wrap Around)
VPK (Non-Instructional Week)
Summer Camp (5-10) Includes field trips (Bk, lunch,snack)
Registration ( Infant - Four )
Registration ( Before & After School ) (summer camp)
***These Prices include Breakfast, Lunch and Afternoon Snack